Пассажир поезда Самара — Санкт-Петербург упал с верхней полки на беременную соседку. Об этом сообщает «Фонтанка». Инцидент произошел 12 января, когда состав следовал по территории Московской области.
The main conceptual idea of the text is a serious accident on a train traveling from Samara to St. Petersburg. A man fell from an upper berth, injuring a pregnant teacher who was seated below. The incident resulted in hospitalization for the teacher, who sustained a head injury, concussion, and a broken foot.
The main conceptual idea of the text is a serious accident on a train traveling from Samara to St. Petersburg. A man fell from an upper berth, injuring a pregnant teacher who was seated below. The incident resulted in hospitalization for the teacher, who sustained a head injury, concussion, and a broken foot.